Under pressure from the police due to his own involvement in drug dealing, Kenny suddenly changes his story about Steve’s behavior around the time of Ada Haradine’s disappearance. And his new account just fuels investigators’ lingering suspicions.
Episode Info
If you have any information about Ada Haradine, please contact Michiana Crime Stoppers at 574-288-STOP or 800-342-STOP or submit tips online at michianacrimestoppers.com. Tips can be made anonymously.
You can also reach out directly to the Cass County Sheriff’s Office by calling their main line, 269-445-1560, their tip line at 800-462-9328, or online at ccso.info.

Steve Dye's mugshot from a 1987 arrest for marijuana possession and driving with a suspended license. Courtesy: Cass County Sheriff's Office records

Kenny Neal in a 1997 mugshot. Courtesy: Cass County Sheriff's Office records

Detective Dave Gizzi in the Haradines' former garage, with the Dyes' former home to the left, in May 2024. Photo taken by audiochuck staff

Detective Dave Gizzi in the Haradines' former backyard, with the Dyes' former home in the background, in May 2024. Photo taken byvaudiochuck staff

A Google map showing the distance from Steve’s house and Kenny’s house to Ada’s remains. Credit: Google Maps; edited by audiochuck staff

The Dyes' former house in May of 1988. They had already moved out by then. Courtesy: Cass County Sheriff's Office
Episode Source Material
Original reporting by Nina Schutzman
- Cass County Sheriff’s Office records
- Elkhart Police Department records
- Larry Sarhatt’s personal records