We sort through tips from 1984 that suggested a fugitive who was on the run in Indiana during Darlene’s murder could’ve killed her. We go to his hometown to dig through records, interview one of his victims and try to interview him.
Courtesy: Indiana State Police
Episode Info
If you believe you have information about Darlene Hulse’s 1984 abduction and murder in Argos, Indiana, please email thedeck@audiochuck.com.

A letter sent to Marshall County Sheriff during the search for Darlene’s killer

A tip about John Clark being a fugitive from jail and prior violent crimes

Two tips that were sent in 1984 suggesting John Clark because of his prior crime that also involved a fireplace poker

Two tips that were sent in 1984 suggesting John Clark because of his prior crime that also involved a fireplace poker

Our records search in the basement of the Parke County Courthouse

A 1984 mugshot of John Paul Clark

Parke County Sentinel articles that were in the court files from Clark’s prior crimes

Parke County Sentinel articles that were in the court files from Clark’s prior crimes

A black and white screenshot of the green car police said John Clark was driving when he escaped the Parke County Jail in August 1984

Sherry Lasser, who survived being stabbed by John Clark in the 80s, reads from a court document