It was a normal, warm Virginia day in April 2021 for a group of friends mingling outside a convenience store when out of the blue they were shot up by someone driving by, and 18-year-old James was killed. Over the past two years, Richmond police have uncovered evidence they think points toward the killer — but they’re still waiting for the missing piece to prove it.
Episode Info
If you know anything about the murder of James Foster III on April 29, 2021, please call Crime Stoppers at 804-780-1000.
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An undated photo of James Foster III (left) and his father James A. Foster (right). Courtesy: James A. Foster

An undated photo of James Foster III (left) and his father James A. Foster (right). Courtesy: James A. Foster

James posing for a photo. Courtesy: James A. Foster

James posing for a photo in front of a car. His father said James loved cars and wanted to pursue a career as a diesel mechanic. Courtesy: James A. Foster

An article published by the Richmond Times-Dispatch announcing James’ death. Courtesy: Richmond Times-Dispatch
Episode Source Material
- Weatherspark: Temperature on Thursday, April 29, 2021 in Richmond.
- Richmond Times-Dispatch: Man, 18, dies after shooting in N. Richmond parking lot, by staff reports.