For 18 years, no one has been able to figure out who killed Mary Cooper and her daughter Susanna Stodden while they were out for a scenic mother-daughter hike in the beautiful mountains of Washington state. No one understands why either. Their deaths and the evidence left behind continue to perplex detectives in Snohomish County.
Episode Info
If you know anything about the murders of Mary Cooper and Susanna Stodden on the Pinnacle Lake hiking trail in Washington state in July 2006, you’re asked to call the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office at 425-388-3845.
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Snohomish County Sheriff’s Detective Dave Bilyeu points at a map of the crime scene. Photo by audiochuck staff

A photo from July 12, 2006 shows measuring tape as crime scene investigators process the scene on the Pinnacle Lake trail. Courtesy: Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office

A photo shows the crime scene on July 12, 2006 as investigators process the area in the rain. Courtesy: Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office

A photo of the crime scene from July 12, 2006. Courtesy: Snohomish Couny Sheriff’s Office

A photo from the trailhead shows cars that were parked there, including the victims’ van, right. Courtesy: Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office

A photo of the front page of the July 14, 2006 Everett Herald.

A photo ran in the Everett Herald showing a sign that David Stodden put up on a tree near where his wife and daughter were killed.