For 13-year-old Becca, the summer break before her freshman year of high school was supposed to be a time for a fresh start. Gaining some new-found independence…maturing into a young woman…
But because of the brutal actions of a predator, Becca will forever remain a girl, frozen in time…stuck in the summer of 2003.
Episode Info
If you know anything at all about the 2003 homicide of 13-year-old Rebecca “Becca” Williams in Omaha, Nebraska, you can contact the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Tip Line at 402-444-6000.
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Suspect Matthew Kidder. Courtesy: Nebraska Department of Correctional Services

A photo of the original aerial view of the crime scene. Courtesy: Douglas County Sheriff’s Office (NE)

A present day photo of the area near where Becca’s body was found. Photo taken by audiochuck staff.

A present day photo of the area near where Becca’s body was found. Photo taken by audiochuck staff.

A present day photo of the area near where Becca’s body was found. Photo taken by audiochuck staff.

A present day photo of the area near where Becca’s body was found. Photo taken by audiochuck staff.

A photo taken during the reporting interviews with the present-day investigators. Photo taken by audiochuck staff.

A photo taken during the reporting interviews with the present-day investigators. Photo taken by audiochuck staff.

A photo taken during the reporting interviews with the present-day investigators. Photo taken by audiochuck staff.

One of the original Rebecca Williams reward posters. Courtesy: Douglas County Sheriff’s Office (NE)

A photo of Becca Williams. Courtesy: Shelly McCormick.

A photo of Becca Williams. Courtesy: Shelly McCormick.

A photo of Becca Williams. Courtesy: Shelly McCormick.

A photo of Shelly McCormick, holding a framed picture of her daughter, Becca. Photo taken by audiochuck staff.