Susan “Susie” Poupart – 7 of Spades, Wisconsin

Susan “Susie” Poupart – 7 of Spades, Wisconsin

When 29-year-old Susie went to a house party on her reservation, surrounded by friends and so close to home, she should’ve been safe. But when the mother of two left the party in a car with some younger men, things took a turn for the worse.  Susie never made it home,...
Tessie Temores – 10 of Diamonds, Mississippi

Tessie Temores – 10 of Diamonds, Mississippi

When 37-year-old Tessie went more than a month without contacting any of her six children, her mom had a sinking feeling that something was wrong. Her loved ones never thought over five years would go by without hearing from her. But here they are … still in the...
Carole Clement – Ace of Hearts, Florida

Carole Clement – Ace of Hearts, Florida

When a beloved mother and grandmother is found stabbed to death inside her own home in an affluent seaside community, detectives are immediately suspicious of her soon-to-be ex-husband. But when his alibi seemed to check out, they were compelled to look at less...
Jeff West – King of Diamonds, Mississippi

Jeff West – King of Diamonds, Mississippi

On July 2nd 2018, Jeff West, a 46-year-old father of four, got into an argument with his mom in the backyard of her house. In the heat of the moment, he apparently stormed off into the woods surrounding her property… and has never been seen again. Courtesy of...