Dail Dinwiddie, 23, was enjoying a night out with friends after a U2 concert in September 1992 when she disappeared. Dail was last seen leaving a bar in the popular Five Points neighborhood in the early morning hours, after getting separated from her friends. She’s never been seen or heard from since.
Episode Info
If you know anything about the disappearance, abduction, or murder of Dail Dinwiddie, you’re urged to call the Columbia Police Department at 803-749-5836 or call South Carolina Crime Stoppers, where a significant reward is being offered, at 888-CRIME-SC.

A snapshot of a physical photo of Dail and her mom Jean at the Dinwiddie family home in Columbia, South Carolina. This photo shows what Dail would have looked like not long before she disappeared. Photo Courtesy: audiochuck staff

The Columbia Police Department has several filing cabinets full of investigative files into Dail Dinwiddie’s disappearance. Photo Courtesy: audiochuck staff

Columbia Police Cold Case Investigator Kevin Reese thumbs through Dail Dinwiddie’s investigative file at police headquarters in downtown Columbia. Photo Courtesy: audiochuck staff

Dan and Jean Dinwiddie pose for a photo in their Columbia, South Carolina home after sitting down for an interview with audiochuck reporter Emily Mieure. Photo Courtesy: audiochuck staff

This poster shows what Dail Dinwiddie might have looked like at 43 years old. Photo Courtesy: Columbia Police Department

The bar in Five Points where Dail Dinwiddie was last seen was Jungle Jims in 1992. Today, it’s labeled as Horseshoe but is closed and dilapidated. Photo Courtesy: audiochuck staff

Five Points is a popular shopping, restaurant and bar district near the University of South Carolina campus. Photo Courtesy: audiochuck staff

A story about Reinaldo Rivera appeared in The Greenville News on Jan. 27, 2004. Photo Courtesy: The Greenville News