When 20-year-old Dana Ramm’s body was found on the shoulder of Andrade Road, the Bay Area mourned her passing and wondered if a killer was lurking in the shadows. Dana disappeared forever while waiting for two friends, Tracy and Cody, at a Bay Area gas station one night in December 1986. Even though Dana’s body was identified the day after she disappeared, it’s been almost 36 years since she was slain, and police still haven’t thawed her cold case. The clock is ticking, but investigators are hopeful that they’ll one day give closure to Dana’s friends and family.
Episode Info
If you think you know who Happy is, or if you know anything about what happened to Dana Ramm in December 1986, call the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office cold case homicide unit at 510-667-3636.

On January 3, 1987, the Oakland Tribune reported that Dana’s ex-boyfriend, Stuart, was alive, despite rumors that he had died by suicide. Both Stuart and Dana were arrested in March 1986 in Livermore, California for possession of marijuana. Photo Courtesy: Oakland Tribune

The shoulder where Dana’s body was found — by the 0.84 mile marker on Andrade Road. Photo Courtesy: audiochuck staff

Dana Ramm at her high school graduation on June 14, 1985. Dana was 18 years old when she graduated from Granada High School in Livermore, California. Photo Courtesy: Alameda County Sheriff's Office

The blue rusted 1966 Ford minivan Dana drove, which belonged to her ex-boyfriend, Stuart. Photo Courtesy: Alameda County Sheriff’s Office

Detective Patrick Smyth showing Andrade Road on Google Maps. Photo Courtesy: audiochuck staff

Dana’s mugshot from when she was arrested for possession of marijuana in March 1986. Photo Courtesy: Alameda County Sheriff’s Office

On December 31, 1986, the Oakland Tribune ran an article detailing Dana’s life up to her death on December 29, 1986. According to the Alameda County Coroner’s Office, Dana died from asphyxiation due to strangulation. Additionally, investigators told the Oakland Tribune that they believe the murderer killed Dana elsewhere and abandoned her body on Andrade Road. The article also revisited two peculiar interactions Dana was involved in before her death. In late November 1986, Dana had a fight with Tracy’s sister, referring to her as Dana’s “female roommate,” which ended when Tracy’s sister bit off the tip of Dana’s left ring finger. Photo Courtesy: Oakland Tribune

An undated picture of Dana. Photo Courtesy: Alameda County Sheriff’s Office

In an undated article from The Sacramento Bee, Anita Creamer wrote about Dana’s personality and how Dana’s family dealt with grief twenty years after her passing (1 of 2) Photo Courtesy: The Sacramento Bee

Continuation of Anita Creamer’s article from the Sacramento Bee (2 of 2). Photo Courtesy: The Sacramento Bee

An undated newspaper clip reported that a young woman’s body was found on Andrade Road in Sunol, California on December 29, 1986. Photo Courtesy: San Francisco Examiner

Detective Patrick Smyth sorting through pictures of Dana Ramm. Photo Courtesy: audiochuck staff

Tracy’s brown Oldsmobile parked in the Chevron lot. This is the last place Dana was seen before she was killed. Photo Courtesy: Alameda County Sheriff’s Office.