Lola Katherine “Kathy” Fry – 3 of Clubs, Indiana

28-year-old Lola, AKA Kathy, Kat, or Lolabee, as her family lovingly called her, was excited for a fresh start just before the holidays in 1993. She’d just left her job at an Indianapolis nightclub and was wrapping up the process of moving two hours northeast of Fort Wayne to live with her older sister. Kathy was planning to take her life down a new road and go back to school, maybe start a family.

But before she could ever make good on those plans… something happened. Though, the specifics of what exactly that something was is still something we are trying to piece together today.

Lola Katherine “Kathy” Fry - 3 of Clubs card

Courtesy of Indiana Department of Correction

Episode Info

If you have any information about the disappearance of Lola Katherine “Kathy” Fry in November of 1993, please call the Indiana State Police at (317) 899-8266, or you can provide an anonymous tip by calling Crime Stoppers at (317) 262-TIPS (8477).

  • If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, please know that resources are available. You can reach out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or text “START” to 88788.

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