When 37-year-old Tessie went more than a month without contacting any of her six children, her mom had a sinking feeling that something was wrong. Her loved ones never thought over five years would go by without hearing from her. But here they are … still in the same stagnant spot. Still wondering what really happened … still waiting for Tessie to come home.
Episode Info
If you know anything about the disappearance of Tessie Temores around December 27th, 2019, in Jackson County, Mississippi, we urge you to contact Mississippi Coast Crime Stoppers. You can remain anonymous by calling them at (877) 787-5898. If you don’t mind speaking to Lt. Shane Bozeman directly, you can call his office at the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department at (228) 875-6823 or email him at Shane_Bozeman@co.jackson.ms.us.

Tessie Temores. Provided By: Carolyn Pardon (Tessie’s Mother).

Tessie Temores. Provided By: Carolyn Pardon (Tessie’s Mother).

Tessie’s mom’s former home in Moss Point, the last known place Tessie was seen. Photo taken by audiochuck staff.

A wooded area in Escatawpa where one of many searches was conducted for Tessie. Courtesy: Jackson County Sheriff’s Department.
Episode Source Material
Original reporting by Madison Cavalchire & Nicole Kagan